Are you ready for the Children’s Code?

In the latest ICO newsletter, we are reminded that there are only 6 months before the new Children’s Code (or Age Appropriate Design Code to give it its formal title) comes into force on 2nd September 2021.

This is a data protection code of practice for online services such as apps, online games and web & social media sites likely to be accessed by children.

The code came into force on 2nd September 2020 with a 12-month transition period to give organisations time to prepare.

This is not a change to data protection law, and UK GDPR has not changed. It is a clarification of the ‘information society services’ already in UK GDPR, but every organisation should determine if they need to act. Please be aware that for the purposes of the code, a child is a person under 18.

The ICO has a created a useful Children’s Code Hub and you can also contact me, or use a free 20-minue insight call to find out more.